+ Affiner

Roman Coins and their Values, The Millenium Edition, volume V : The Christian Empire: The Later Constantinian Dynasty and the Houses of Valentinian and Theodosius and Their Successors, Constantine II to Zeno, AD 337—491 SEAR David R.
65.00 €

Roman coins and their values, the millenium edition, volume I, the Republic and the twelve Caesars 280 BC - AD 96 SEAR David R.
69.00 €

Roman coins and their values, The Millenium Edition, volume II, adoptive emperors to Severans (96 - 235 AD) SEAR David R.
98.00 €

Roman Coins and their Values, The Millenium Edition, volume III - The Third Century Crisis and Recovery, A.D. 235-285 SEAR David R.
69.00 €

Roman Coins and their Values, The Millenium Edition, volume IV - The Tetrarchies and the rise of the house of Constantine, AD 284-337
SEAR David R.
59.00 €