ls73 - Studies in Ancient Coinage in Honour of Andrew Burnett BLAND Roger et CALOMINO Dario
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Auteur : BLAND Roger et CALOMINO Dario
Editeur : Spink
Langue : Anglais
Caractéristiques : Londres 2015, relié, (28 x 22,50 cm), 316 pages, photographies en noir et blanc
Poids : 1590 g.
Cet ouvrage comprend une série de 20 articles rédigés en l'honneur Andrew Brunett, éminent professeur spécialiste des monnayages romains, directeur adjoint du British Museum de 2003 à 2012, entre autres ancien président de la Commission Numismatique Internationale et actuel président de la Royal Numismatic Society.
Liste des contribution :
Johan van Heesch and Fran Stroobants, The silver coinage of Sagalassos in Pisidia; Giovanni Gorini, A new hoard of Romano-Campanian coins from Nora (Sardinia); Michael Crawford, The coinage of the Mamertini; Pere Pau Ripollès and Richard Witschonke, The unofficial Roman Republican semisses struck in Spain; Ian Leins, Anarevito: Political fluidity in southern Britain in the late Iron Age; Michel Amandry, Une mystérieuse émission provinciale tibérienne frappée en Asie Mineure; Chris Howgego, The circulation of the gold coinage of Vespasian struck in the East; William E. Metcalf, A new Vespasianic mint?; Richard Abdy, Capita aut capita? The double heads (and double tails) coins of Hadrian; Richard Reece, Coins and sites: cautionary tales from Time Team; Roger Bland, Roman contacts with Ireland in the light of the coins from Drumanagh; Kevin Butcher, Debasement and the decline of Rome; Dario Calomino, From Thrace to Lesbos. Coinage and cities across the Hellespont in the 3rd century AD; Jerome Mairat and Antony Hostein, Les monnaies d’Alexandrie de Troade au milieu du IIIe siècle: liaisons de coins indédites; Alexander Bursche und Kirill Myzgin, Gold coins, Alexandria Troas and Goths; Sylviane Estiot, L’Empereur et l’usurpateur: un 4e atelier oriental sous Probus; Sam Moorhead, A dated coin of Allectus; Edward Besly, Allectus and his money; Francois de Callatay, Sir Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753) and his early numismatic correspondence with Andreas Morell (1646-1703)..
Liste des contribution :
Johan van Heesch and Fran Stroobants, The silver coinage of Sagalassos in Pisidia; Giovanni Gorini, A new hoard of Romano-Campanian coins from Nora (Sardinia); Michael Crawford, The coinage of the Mamertini; Pere Pau Ripollès and Richard Witschonke, The unofficial Roman Republican semisses struck in Spain; Ian Leins, Anarevito: Political fluidity in southern Britain in the late Iron Age; Michel Amandry, Une mystérieuse émission provinciale tibérienne frappée en Asie Mineure; Chris Howgego, The circulation of the gold coinage of Vespasian struck in the East; William E. Metcalf, A new Vespasianic mint?; Richard Abdy, Capita aut capita? The double heads (and double tails) coins of Hadrian; Richard Reece, Coins and sites: cautionary tales from Time Team; Roger Bland, Roman contacts with Ireland in the light of the coins from Drumanagh; Kevin Butcher, Debasement and the decline of Rome; Dario Calomino, From Thrace to Lesbos. Coinage and cities across the Hellespont in the 3rd century AD; Jerome Mairat and Antony Hostein, Les monnaies d’Alexandrie de Troade au milieu du IIIe siècle: liaisons de coins indédites; Alexander Bursche und Kirill Myzgin, Gold coins, Alexandria Troas and Goths; Sylviane Estiot, L’Empereur et l’usurpateur: un 4e atelier oriental sous Probus; Sam Moorhead, A dated coin of Allectus; Edward Besly, Allectus and his money; Francois de Callatay, Sir Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753) and his early numismatic correspondence with Andreas Morell (1646-1703)..