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lr68 - The Roman imperial coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman Imperial Coins, II-1, "The Flaviens" Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69 to AD 96) CARRADICE I.A. et BUTTREY T.V.

The Roman imperial coinage - the standard catalogue of Roman Imperial Coins, II-1,  The Flaviens  Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69 to AD 96) CARRADICE I.A. et BUTTREY T.V.
120.00 €
Ajouter au panierAjouter au panier
Editeur : Spink and Son Ltd
Langue : anglais
Caractéristiques : Londres, 2007, relié, (16 x 25 cm), 404 p. + 160 pl.
Poids : 1432 g.


Le Roman Imparial Coinage, the standard catalogue of Roman imperial coins (RIC) est une collection de 10 ouvrages commencée en 1923 et achevée en 1994. Un colossal travail de recensement et de classement chronologique. Une collection incontournable pour les commeclionneur de monnaies impériales romaines.
Ce volume a été initialement publié en 1926 et couvrait la période allant de 69 à 138 après J.-C. Cette édition révisée a été divisée en deux volumes dont voici la première partie réalisée par an Carradice and Theodore V. Buttrey. Un plus grand nombre de monnaies sont répertoriées sur cette période complexes des Flaviens et sont illustrées par 160 planches en noir et blanc.
(en langue anglaise).

Originally published in 1926, RIC volume II dealt with the period from AD 69 to AD 138. The complicated pattern of minting in the first part, the Flavian period (AD 69-96), means that it was in particular need of revision to modern standards and so now justifies a separate volume on its own, now brought to fruition by Ian Carradice and T.V. Buttrey.
The original edition of RIC II also had very short Introductory sections to the catalogue. In this volume, following the format of Mattingly’s BMCRE II, there is a General Introduction and much more detailed Introductions to the coinage of the separate reigns. These serve as commentaries to the catalogues that list the issues of each mint, and for each reign there are also discussions of important aspects of the coinage, the intention being to provide a revised and updated introduction to the Flavian imperial coinage as a whole. With a far greater number of coin varieties described (almost twice as many as in the Flavian section of the original edition), many more illustrations (160 plates, compared with only 7 covering the Flavians in the original) and the elimination of numerous unverified or dubious coin varieties, this volume is the product of many years’ work, for which generations of future numismatists, historians, archaeologists and collectors will be truly grateful.
The full revision of RIC II part 2 is a work in progress but in the immediate interests of maintaining the availability of the complete set, an improved volume is in preparation. This will be in the form of a straight reprint of the text from AD
96 – AD 138 with a new set of 48 plates..

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