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Le FRANC 2019
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49 articles
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Magna Graecian and Sicilian Counterfeit Coins - a catalogue D ANDREA Alberto, FARANDA Gaetano, MORUZZZI Umberto
Magna Graecian and Sicilian Counterfeit Coins - a catalogue D'ANDREA Alberto, FARANDA Gaetano, MORUZZZI Umberto
100.00 €
Portraits - 400 Years of Hellenistic Portraits - 400 Jahre hellenistische Münzbildnisse PANGERL Andreas
Portraits - 400 Years of Hellenistic Portraits - 400 Jahre hellenistische Münzbildnisse PANGERL Andreas
75.00 €
Il tesoretto di Parabita nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto sous la direction de Giuseppe SARCINELLI
Il tesoretto di Parabita nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto sous la direction de Giuseppe SARCINELLI
40.00 €
Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis HOCHARD Pierre-Olivier (Dir.)
Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis HOCHARD Pierre-Olivier (Dir.)
35.00 €
Dated Coins of Antiquity Release 2 COHEN Edward E.
Dated Coins of Antiquity Release 2 COHEN Edward E.
195.00 €
The coins of Tarentum from VI century to 350 BC D ANDREA Alberto,  MIGLIOLI Marco,  TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
The coins of Tarentum from VI century to 350 BC D'ANDREA Alberto, MIGLIOLI Marco, TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
100.00 €
The coins of Tarentum - from 350 BC to 281 BC D ANDREA Alberto,  MIGLIOLI Marco,  TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
The coins of Tarentum - from 350 BC to 281 BC D'ANDREA Alberto, MIGLIOLI Marco, TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
100.00 €
The Rebel Emperors of Britannia, Carausius and Allectus MOORHEAD Sam, BARKER Graham
The Rebel Emperors of Britannia, Carausius and Allectus MOORHEAD Sam, BARKER Graham
38.00 €
Corpus des monnaies de Marseille et Provence Languedoc Oriental et Vallée du Rhône - 525-20 av. J.-C. édition 2022 MAUREL Guy
Corpus des monnaies de Marseille et Provence Languedoc Oriental et Vallée du Rhône - 525-20 av. J.-C. édition 2022 MAUREL Guy
70.00 €
The Diobols of Tarentum D ANDREA Alberto,  MIGLIOLI Marco,  TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
The Diobols of Tarentum D'ANDREA Alberto, MIGLIOLI Marco, TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
70.00 €
An Introductory Guide to Ancient Greek and Roman Coins: Volume 1 - Greek Civic coins and Tribal Issues SEAR David R.
An Introductory Guide to Ancient Greek and Roman Coins: Volume 1 - Greek Civic coins and Tribal Issues SEAR David R.
65.00 €
Alexander the Great. A Linked Open World GLENN Simon Glenn, DUYRAT Frédérique, MEADOWS Andrew (éd.)
Alexander the Great. A Linked Open World GLENN Simon Glenn, DUYRAT Frédérique, MEADOWS Andrew (éd.)
25.00 €
Images du pouvoir et pouvoir de l image. Les “médaillons-portraits” miniatures des Lagides GALBOIS Estelle
Images du pouvoir et pouvoir de l'image. Les “médaillons-portraits” miniatures des Lagides GALBOIS Estelle
25.00 €
Le monete di Tiati D ANDREA Alberto
Le monete di Tiati D'ANDREA Alberto
12.00 €
Le monete della Daunia D ANDREA Alberto
Le monete della Daunia D'ANDREA Alberto
16.00 €
Le monete del Molise D ANDREA Alberto, ANDREANI Christian, BOZZA Francesco
Le monete del Molise D'ANDREA Alberto, ANDREANI Christian, BOZZA Francesco
15.00 €
Le monete della Messapia D ANDREA Alberto, TAFURI Giuseppe
Le monete della Messapia D'ANDREA Alberto, TAFURI Giuseppe
16.00 €
Le monete della Peucezia D ANDREA Alberto, TAFURI Giuseppe
Le monete della Peucezia D'ANDREA Alberto, TAFURI Giuseppe
16.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 1 -  Handbook of Coins of Italy and Magna Graecia, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 1 - Handbook of Coins of Italy and Magna Graecia, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
La monnaie antique sous la direction de AMANDRY Michel
La monnaie antique sous la direction de AMANDRY Michel
32.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 3 Part II - Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Thrace, Skythia, and Taurike, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 3 Part II - Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Thrace, Skythia, and Taurike, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
Essays in Honour of Roberto Russo sous la direction VAN ALFEN Peter G. et WITSCHONKE Richard B.
Essays in Honour of Roberto Russo sous la direction VAN ALFEN Peter G. et WITSCHONKE Richard B.
150.00 €
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France 7 Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques. Paphlagonie, Pont et Arménie Mineure DALAISON Julie
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France 7 Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques. Paphlagonie, Pont et Arménie Mineure DALAISON Julie
70.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 12 - Handbook of Coins of Baktria and Ancient India HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 12 - Handbook of Coins of Baktria and Ancient India HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 4 - Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Greece HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 4 - Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Greece HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
Handbook of Greek Coinage series volume 7 Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Anatolia HOOVER O. D.
Handbook of Greek Coinage series volume 7 Handbook of Coins of Northern and Central Anatolia HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
Greek coins and their values I : Europe SEAR David R.
Greek coins and their values I : Europe SEAR David R.
56.00 €
Greek coins and their values II : Asia and Africa SEAR David R.
Greek coins and their values II : Asia and Africa SEAR David R.
56.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 9 - Handbook of Syrian Coins - Royal and Civic Issues fourth to first Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 9 - Handbook of Syrian Coins - Royal and Civic Issues fourth to first Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 10 - The Handbook of Coins of the Southern Levant (phoenicia, Southern Koile Syria (including Judaea), and Arabia, Fith to First century BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 10 - The Handbook of Coins of the Southern Levant (phoenicia, Southern Koile Syria (including Judaea), and Arabia, Fith to First century BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 6 - Handbook of Coins of the Islands: Adriatic, Ionian, Thracian, Aegean, and Carpathian Seas (excluding Crete and Cyprus), Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, volume 6 - Handbook of Coins of the Islands: Adriatic, Ionian, Thracian, Aegean, and Carpathian Seas (excluding Crete and Cyprus), Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 5 - Handbook of Coins of the Peloponnesos: Achaia, Phleiasia, Sikyonia, Elis, Triphylia, Messenia, Lakonia, Argolis, and Arkadia, Sixth to First Centuries BC- HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series, Volume 5 - Handbook of Coins of the Peloponnesos: Achaia, Phleiasia, Sikyonia, Elis, Triphylia, Messenia, Lakonia, Argolis, and Arkadia, Sixth to First Centuries BC- HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
Les monnaies de l Afrique antique (400 avant J.-C. - 40 après J.-C.) ALEXANDROPOULOS Alexandre
Les monnaies de l'Afrique antique (400 avant J.-C. - 40 après J.-C.) ALEXANDROPOULOS Alexandre
67.00 €
Die Munzpragung Von Pharsalos. - Saarbrucker Studien Zur Archaologie Und Alten Geschichte, Band 14 LAVVA Stella
Die Munzpragung Von Pharsalos. - Saarbrucker Studien Zur Archaologie Und Alten Geschichte, Band 14 LAVVA Stella
26.40 €
Die Munzpragung Der Lykischen Stadt Phaselis in Griechischer Zeit - Saarbrucker Studien Zur Archaologie Und Alten Geschichte, Band 6 HEIPP-TAMER Christine
Die Munzpragung Der Lykischen Stadt Phaselis in Griechischer Zeit - Saarbrucker Studien Zur Archaologie Und Alten Geschichte, Band 6 HEIPP-TAMER Christine
26.40 €
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum; France 2, Cabinet des Médailles, Cilicie LEVANTE Edoardo
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum; France 2, Cabinet des Médailles, Cilicie LEVANTE Edoardo
91.47 €
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 3, Pamphylie, Pisidie, Lycaonie, Galatie LEVANTE Edoardo
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 3, Pamphylie, Pisidie, Lycaonie, Galatie LEVANTE Edoardo
114.34 €
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 5, Département des monnaies, des médailles et antiques, Mysie AMANDRY Michel, LEVANTE Edoardo
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 5, Département des monnaies, des médailles et antiques, Mysie AMANDRY Michel, LEVANTE Edoardo
140.00 €
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 6.1, Département des monnaies, des médailles et antiques, Italie, Étrurie, Calabre PARENTE Anna Rita
Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum, France 6.1, Département des monnaies, des médailles et antiques, Italie, Étrurie, Calabre PARENTE Anna Rita
140.00 €
Selbstwahrnehmung und Fremdwahrnehmung édité par R. C. ACKERMANN – H. R. DERSCHKA – C. MAGES
Selbstwahrnehmung und Fremdwahrnehmung édité par R. C. ACKERMANN – H. R. DERSCHKA – C. MAGES
36.00 €
Trésors et circulation monétaire en Anatolie antique sous la direction de Michel AMANDRY, Georges LE RIDER
Trésors et circulation monétaire en Anatolie antique sous la direction de Michel AMANDRY, Georges LE RIDER
62.50 €
Travaux de numismatique grecque offerts à Georges Le Rider Collectif sous la direction de AMANDRY Michel, HURTER Silvia, BEREND Denyse
Travaux de numismatique grecque offerts à Georges Le Rider Collectif sous la direction de AMANDRY Michel, HURTER Silvia, BEREND Denyse
126.00 €
Tessères et monnaies de Palmyre MESNIL DU BUISSON Comte du
Tessères et monnaies de Palmyre MESNIL DU BUISSON Comte du
199.00 €
The coins of Tarentum - from 281 BC to 209 BC D ANDREA Alberto,  MIGLIOLI Marco,  TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
The coins of Tarentum - from 281 BC to 209 BC D'ANDREA Alberto, MIGLIOLI Marco, TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
100.00 €
The coins of Tarentum - Analysis of the issues and synoptic plates D ANDREA Alberto, MARRAZZO Vincenzo, MIGLIOLI Marco, VONGHIA Enrico
The coins of Tarentum - Analysis of the issues and synoptic plates D'ANDREA Alberto, MARRAZZO Vincenzo, MIGLIOLI Marco, VONGHIA Enrico
60.00 €
The Diobols of Tarentum in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples D ANDREA Alberto,  MIGLIOLI Marco,  TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
The Diobols of Tarentum in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples D'ANDREA Alberto, MIGLIOLI Marco, TAFURI Giuseppe, VONGHIA Enrico
50.00 €
Egyptian Hoards I - The Ptolemies FAUCHER Thomas, MEADOWS Andrew R., LORBER Catharine
Egyptian Hoards I - The Ptolemies FAUCHER Thomas, MEADOWS Andrew R., LORBER Catharine
69.00 €
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 3 Part I - Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Part I: Macedon, Illyria, and Epeiros, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
The Handbook of Greek Coinage Volume 3 Part I - Handbook of Coins of Macedon and Its Neighbors. Part I: Macedon, Illyria, and Epeiros, Sixth to First Centuries BC HOOVER O. D.
65.00 €
The Koina of Southern Greece Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism GRANDJEAN Catherine
The Koina of Southern Greece Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism GRANDJEAN Catherine
30.00 €
49 articles
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